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  • Writer's pictureSarah Sisson Rollandini

Series part 1 - Infertility & the Enneagram: How Personality Affects the Ways We Cope

Ooooh, the enneagram. The word seems either super mystical or super hip, depending on what you know (or don't know) about it. So let's have a quick class, shall we?

What the enneagram is not: A tool of the occult, a quick fix, a solution to all of your problems, a trendy, Buzzfeed-style personality typing test that deludes you into thinking you are a superstar.

What the enneagram is: A personality profile that can help you better understand how you relate to self, others, and the world.

There now. Up to speed, are we?

I was introduced to the enneagram by various favorite podcasters, including Jamie Ivey, Jen Hatmaker, and those great gals at The Sorta Awesome podcast. If you're a podcast fan, listening to these women's interviews with enneagram experts is a great orientation. However, may I suggest going deeper with Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile's book, The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self Discovery? For me, the title sounds about as exciting as unbuttered toast, but (trust me) the authors' writing is a joy to read and will keep your attention from start to finish.

Now then, the enneagram and infertility. 10 years of running the TTC gauntlet taught me this lesson: A bit more self- and others-awareness during that trial would have served me well.

In this 3-part series detailing how the nine enneagram types operate, you'll learn your default coping style during stress, as well as some helpful ideas for managing it. Apply this information during your wait for a baby and you'll be a happier, healthier you at the finish line.

Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

You can complete a quick enneagram profile to find your type here, but honestly, I was completely off-base about my own type until I read and studied The Road Back to You.

In my next blog post, we'll learn about types, 4, 5, and 6. In the meantime, go get that book!

Until next time.

Your infertility cheerleader,



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