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The Simple Truth About Being Pro-Life

Writer's picture: Sarah Sisson RollandiniSarah Sisson Rollandini

Photo by Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

I rarely talk politics in public. I value relationships over rants. But this weekend, Washington DC will host the 2018 March for Life and being pro-life is one view I am unashamed to gracefully defend. My husband, Mark, and I have three miracles living under our roof, building Lego castles, leaving socks on the floor, and setting five places at the dinner table for Taco Tuesdays. When I hear the word "abortion", my mind instantly envisions those three beloved faces: two daughters through adoption, one son through gestational surrogacy.

Even so, I can hear my pro-choice friends saying, "Sure, but your kids are healthy...wanted. What about the baby who will be born disabled or into an abusive home? What about the victim of rape?" Even in these difficult situations, pro-lifers defend every human's right to exist for one simple reason: We are all imprinted with the Imago Dei , or image of God.

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27 NIV)

With all of the complicated pro-life and pro-choice arguments out there, the decision to abort or not to abort an unborn baby comes down to this simple truth: The immeasurable value of human life -- at all stages and in all forms -- is a precept that cannot be infringed upon by prejudice or practicality.

Which is why I'm happy to share a list of "Life Week" resources with you today. If you are pro-choice, perhaps these resources will allow you to see abortion from a different perspective. If you are pro-life, I hope they will help you defend every humans right to exist in a winsome and intelligent manner. Forget arguing. Try Paul's approach instead.

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.(Colossians 4: 5-6)

Wise, grace-filled, seasoned with salt (For more on being salt, check out this great article over at Unlocking the Bible).

This conference coincides with the March for Life this weekend. You can view the simulcast by signing up at

A smart and simple argument against abortion.

Excellent podcasts, articles, and links.

A program that provides grants to qualifying pregnancy medical clinics for 80% of the cost of an ultrasound machine or sonography training for medical personnel. You can donate as an individual or apply for a grant as an organization.

A book that equips Christians to engage the culture in pro-life discussions.

A beautiful memoir about the value of all human life.


I'm headed to a writer's retreat this weekend in South Bend, Indiana, with premade beds, a coffee bar, and shrimp linguine (perhaps) delivered to my table. Make time this week to enjoy the little things.

Until next time,


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