Sarah Sisson Rollandini

Jul 3, 20172 min

Stuck in the Next?

Castles towered, lagoons sparkled, drums pounded and colorful flags whipped in the wind as the smell of freshly fried tortillas wafted through the air. Within an hour, my husband and our three kiddos had strolled through a feast for all five senses in the countries of Mexico, Norway, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Morocco, France, England, and Canada. Where else but Disney World's Epcot could one hop from one nation to another, and even from the present world to Future World, without a passport or luggage?

Yet, even with Epcot's sensory smorgasbord, plenty of visitors seemed blind to its riotous celebration.

A harried mom dragged her wide-eyed toddler past Mary Poppins in the U.K. on the way to something better.

People young and old stood in line at Mission Space ignoring the fantastic sights and sounds swirling around them, instead passing the time glued to their cell phone screens.

It is, perhaps, the biggest pitfall of infertility: Chasing after our "next" -- a baby to call our own -- we tend to miss the blessings of "now".

It's been ten years since our family was completed after ten years of waiting. Ten. Years. I spent over ten percent of my projected 78-year life span so focused on building a family that I often opted out of the present right in front of me. I failed to notice the sweet taste of fresh strawberries, the sunset over Lake Michigan, the earthy aroma of fallen leaves, the iridescent flicker of icicles hanging from pine bows, the invitation of a friend, my husband's jaunty smile.

This is not a guilt trip, Sister, but a wake up call from a friend who's been there. Don't forfeit these moments of your one dazzling life in pursuit of motherhood. Even as you wait, lift your eyes to the brilliance around you. Take notice of the present and choose to revel in its riches.

For this (This!) is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Yes, wait with hopeful expectancy for the next. But also, remember to rejoice in the riches of now.


Your homework: Set aside ten minutes on three different days this week to take notice of the now. You might sit in a favorite chair and savor a fresh peach, walk a trail and observe birds and other wildlife, or lock eyes with your husband and revisit the highlights of your day. Extra credit (and a guaranteed mood boost!) if you jot down your grateful observations of the present in a journal!

You can share your "now" moments in the comments section below, or visit me over at Facebook to share!

#infertility #nowmoments